Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Summer Fireflies

Little lights to light our way, they are the Summer Fireflies.
Dancing in the moon light to natures songs.
Children laughing, chasing after these little dancing lights. 
Jars come out to catch a few to light a path to home.
Lying in the grass looking at the stars and the light of the Summer Fireflies. 
How I would love the joys of the Summer Fireflies all year around, but Winter comes so quick here in the North. Now I see Dreamlights lighting up the night to bring us back to Summer and the joys of the Summer Fireflies. Just looking at the Dreamlights, when it's 0 above, will warm our hearts & know that we see the real Summer Fireflies again in a few months. 

1 comment:

  1. I am a BzzAgent and am trying to get into a campaign to try the a Dreamlight. This blog is part of showing how much I really want to try this product out. Follow me on Twitter too to see what I have to say about the Dreamlights.
