Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Summer Fireflies

Little lights to light our way, they are the Summer Fireflies.
Dancing in the moon light to natures songs.
Children laughing, chasing after these little dancing lights. 
Jars come out to catch a few to light a path to home.
Lying in the grass looking at the stars and the light of the Summer Fireflies. 
How I would love the joys of the Summer Fireflies all year around, but Winter comes so quick here in the North. Now I see Dreamlights lighting up the night to bring us back to Summer and the joys of the Summer Fireflies. Just looking at the Dreamlights, when it's 0 above, will warm our hearts & know that we see the real Summer Fireflies again in a few months. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Busy as a Bee!

I have been as busy as a bee as of late so I have not done any writing on my blog in a while.  The last few months have been crazy busy. Taryn is now in ice skating lessons but tomorrow will be her last day and that is the last of the three skating programs. She has said she wants to skate again in the Fall and well I am looking forward to it. I think we better start saving now because skating is not cheap at all. Devin has shown interest too and says he wants to next year. I should really think about getting a better paying job to pay for them both being in the program. UGH!! I guess if it makes them happy it doesn't matter how much it is, right? LOL!
Next Sunday Taryn will be 5. WOW! Where has the time gone? I said last year that I wanted the last 4 years back since they went by so fast, so now you know what I am thinking this year. Yup, I want the last 5 back now and the last 9 of Devin's :(
The school year is almost over and I am happy but yet sad. I am so proud of both my kids for doing so well in school. They are both so smart and enjoy learning new things so that has made these first few school years so much easier. Now when it comes to getting them to do their homework, well that is a whole different story. YIKES! Devin's teacher says how good Devin is in school. I told her ya, I know, I think all his teachers brain wash them by getting them to listen at school and then being total stinkers when they get home. LOL! I am glad he is good in school and other public places and then a stinker at home. At least I know my child isn't causing trouble and I won't get called to school because he did some thing really bad, well at least not for now.
I guess this is going to be it for tonight. I am pooped out and have a L O N G day tomorrow. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of the weekend! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What is a BzzAgent?

I am a BzzAgent and have been for over a year, not really sure how long but that sounds good to me. It is funny when people ask how you got some thing free and you tell them. They always think there is a catch. This isn't the only site I belong to that I get to try items for free and give stuff to friends. No matter what everyone always thinks there is a catch. Sorry folks but there isn't a catch, well there is I guess, but all you have to do is write reviews and share with friends and family. That is a catch I think we all can live with. No credit cards needed, no cash, nothing, it is just a few minutes of my time to fill out a survey or do a review that simple, that easy. Some people think I am crazy but we all use products every day so why not join some thing that you get to try out products for free? There isn't anything wrong with that at all.
Today I tried out with Taryn and she had a good time answering the questions. The first test she took was not age appropriate even for kindergarten level, and that is what she was testing as. It was more of a second grade level with adding three or more numbers together. We did some of them but I stopped after a few because she needs to figure out the regular addition first. I will see if Devin wants to try for his grade level when he gets home and see what he thinks. As for paying for the use of the site after the free month trial, no way. It isn't worth paying money for when there are other Math sites out there that are free. I didn't feel it had enough fun areas for kids to keep them interested. I will write more later when Devin tries the site out. For now I am out of here. Check out if you are interested in reviewing products. It is a lot of fun and most of all FREE, well the free products to try once and a while is pretty darn good too. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

First Haircut

Yesterday my daughter got her first haircut. Problem is she gave it to herself and I wasn't ready for her to get a haircut. Today I have made an appointment for her to get a real cut but am so afraid Angie will have to cut her hair really short to make it look better. I am soooooooooo not ready for that at all. Taryn was born with very little hair and it took FOREVER for her hair to grow. Now she has pretty, long blond hair and I had plans for her hair. I am growing mine out for Locks of Love so thought it would be good to do the same with her hair. It as some thing we were going to do together in a year or two. For her it might not happen now and I am okay with that, just not ready for it. It is killing me to know that I have to take her and have this done but I know it needs to be done. This is just one more first I need to deal with and many more to come. I will be getting a trim too, so thank goodness it was time for me to do so, so now we both will get our haircuts together. :(

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This is me, take it or leave me.

This is me, no matter what you think.
I might be a little over sensitive and a bit crazy but this is me.
I might not be the best at everything but I am good at some things.
I like to sing in the car and dance around the house while I listen to my favorite music.
This is me take it or leave me.
I love to be alone but love to be with my friends and family.
There is nothing more I like then being with you but some times I just have to be me.
People in our lives come and go so I try my best not to get attached because then I get hurt over and over again. I choose to be alone and sit in the dark, thinking of who I wish I could be or who I don't wanna be.
I might say the right words but turn around and mess up by saying the wrong words.
This is me take it or leave me.
Nobody in this world is perfect, I sure know I am not.
I mess up ever day of the week but turn around and do my best to be more then I can be.
There are many days that I wish I could just take it or leave me.
Do me a favor it you don't like me then just leave me!


Why can't you hear me? Why can't you just listen to me? Why do you hear just what you want to hear? I don't feel like I can say a word any more because all you hear is what you want to hear. There is no use talking any more when you just won't listen to what I have to say. There is no use us going on when there is nothing left but silence. Silence is not what we want or need. It's the talking and trying to understand and to start to believe in one another again. This can't go on any more, I feel like I have to leave. You don't understand unless it involves yelling. That the only time you seem to hear what I have to say. I don't want to yell any more, I just want to leave. Leave you in the silence you have created because you just can't hear what I have to say. You can't hear what we need to do to fix what is broken. I just need you to believe, believe in us again. Right now all I want to do is leave.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Silence is some thing I love but don't get very often. Everyone says when you have kids enjoy them now because some day you will miss them. I know that is true but when I can get that little bit of time, silence, to think, breath and just be, is a luxury no mom gets very often.
There are days I long for the single life again. Not having to worry about what I am going to cook for supper, no toys to clean up, etc. Just to be able to take a bubble bath, light some candles, eat what ever the heck I want and watch what ever sappy movie is on TV alone, is a luxury I don't get very often. I can count on one hand when I have had that happen with in the last 9 years. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't change being a mom for anything in the world. Sure they drive me INSANE pretty much every day but I love them just the same.
I have a 8 yr old, soon to be 9 and a 4 yr old who keep me busy but I would give them the world if I had the money. It won't be long before I am dropping them off for their first day of college or watch then walk down the isle. These days go by way to fast, but every once and a while us moms just need a bit of silence. Speaking of silence, my daughter is yelling MOMMMYYYYY!!! Guess I better go be one. Sigh!

The BLAH of it all.

I just got done taking down my Christmas tree, pictures, plates and other odds and ends that make the house so pretty during the Holidays. I need to come up with some snappy ways to make the house look pretty but not so theme driven for Valentine's Day. Heck, I need a way to make it look good all year around. I have learned to love red, I think that has come with old age. I used to hate the color red, but now I LOVE it. With young kids in the house, it is easy to decorate but it is normally for them and kiddish. After the Holidays it isn't the best time to go out buying tons of red stuff either. I still want to get in on the good after Christmas sales to buy up stuff for next year. :)I love the Holiday Season and can't wait for Christmas to come around again. Just about 10 months to go before we can do it all again.
I am bored now but need to get back to work. Kids are at a friends house and hubby is snoring in the chair. I tried to get him to go in the basement and sleep but no luck there. I suppose I should finish cleaning up the living room so it looks some what put together. Sigh!!!!
I am sure I have bored you all enough anyways. Chow for now!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh what the heck!

 A friend of mine posted on her FB page that her dryer has shrunk her pants. We all know how she feels. What is it with dryers? They just don't make them as good as they used to. My advice to her would be to air dry them for now on so they don't shrink. In fact they will fit just like they were never washed. :)
 This is the time of year that everyone makes a resolution to do some thing better for themselves, like diet, but it is so hard to do a diet. If a person starts a diet they don't stay on it or will gain back what they have lost. It isn't about the dieting it is about how much you eat of anything you put into your mouth. I never say diet any more because I am setting myself up to fail. No one should diet, eat in moderation of what ever you like and exercise. Like I am going to do that any time soon.
My daughter has been asking me a lot about what foods are healthy. This is some thing she is picking up more from cartoons then she is me. I try to say it but when we say it they don't hear us. Why is it that when they hear it from one of their favorite characters, they listen? I have done what I can so I guess I will buy her more cartoon movies that she will listen too. I wonder if I can find one on cleaning up after herself? Oh, one with going to bed without fighting or just eating what ever the heck I make for supper? People who make cartoons, get right on that will you?
It is so annoying to see these people who can eat or drink what ever they want and don't gain an ounce, nor do they exercise. I want to be one of those people. :(
I bought a Wii with the Wii Fit a few years ago in hopes I would use it to exercise. That was short lived. It is fun but then when I want to use it someone else has the TV or I have some show I don't wanna miss. Excuses, excuses, excuses.
My blogging time is over for right now. The kids and hubby are in from sledding so back to being a mom. Chow!!

First Time

I have always wondered about blogging, Should I do it? Why would I do it? Is it worth doing?
Sure I know people who blog and have read bits and pieces of their blogs but never really wanted to blog.
Now here I am blogging for the first time but yet I am still a blogging virgin.
I am not sure what I am going to do with this new blog, but for now I will just write and see what happens.
My life isn't very exciting so not sure what to even type. Well I am out of words to type, my mind is a blank.