Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh what the heck!

 A friend of mine posted on her FB page that her dryer has shrunk her pants. We all know how she feels. What is it with dryers? They just don't make them as good as they used to. My advice to her would be to air dry them for now on so they don't shrink. In fact they will fit just like they were never washed. :)
 This is the time of year that everyone makes a resolution to do some thing better for themselves, like diet, but it is so hard to do a diet. If a person starts a diet they don't stay on it or will gain back what they have lost. It isn't about the dieting it is about how much you eat of anything you put into your mouth. I never say diet any more because I am setting myself up to fail. No one should diet, eat in moderation of what ever you like and exercise. Like I am going to do that any time soon.
My daughter has been asking me a lot about what foods are healthy. This is some thing she is picking up more from cartoons then she is me. I try to say it but when we say it they don't hear us. Why is it that when they hear it from one of their favorite characters, they listen? I have done what I can so I guess I will buy her more cartoon movies that she will listen too. I wonder if I can find one on cleaning up after herself? Oh, one with going to bed without fighting or just eating what ever the heck I make for supper? People who make cartoons, get right on that will you?
It is so annoying to see these people who can eat or drink what ever they want and don't gain an ounce, nor do they exercise. I want to be one of those people. :(
I bought a Wii with the Wii Fit a few years ago in hopes I would use it to exercise. That was short lived. It is fun but then when I want to use it someone else has the TV or I have some show I don't wanna miss. Excuses, excuses, excuses.
My blogging time is over for right now. The kids and hubby are in from sledding so back to being a mom. Chow!!

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