Saturday, January 8, 2011


Silence is some thing I love but don't get very often. Everyone says when you have kids enjoy them now because some day you will miss them. I know that is true but when I can get that little bit of time, silence, to think, breath and just be, is a luxury no mom gets very often.
There are days I long for the single life again. Not having to worry about what I am going to cook for supper, no toys to clean up, etc. Just to be able to take a bubble bath, light some candles, eat what ever the heck I want and watch what ever sappy movie is on TV alone, is a luxury I don't get very often. I can count on one hand when I have had that happen with in the last 9 years. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't change being a mom for anything in the world. Sure they drive me INSANE pretty much every day but I love them just the same.
I have a 8 yr old, soon to be 9 and a 4 yr old who keep me busy but I would give them the world if I had the money. It won't be long before I am dropping them off for their first day of college or watch then walk down the isle. These days go by way to fast, but every once and a while us moms just need a bit of silence. Speaking of silence, my daughter is yelling MOMMMYYYYY!!! Guess I better go be one. Sigh!

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